Duo3.3 541~560 [완결]


went so far (as to do...), take ... back, provoke

544. Jennifer went so far as to call me an idiot and she wouldn't take it back. Serves you right! You provoked her, didn't you?

go so far as to do... : 심지어 ... 하기까지 하다

take ... back: ~을 철회하다(= withdraw)

(it) serves you right : 자업자득이다

provoke: 성나게 하다, 분개시키다, ~을 자극하다

provocative: 도발적인

put up with

545. Why do you put up with her arrogance? She's just taking advantage of you. Shut up!

put up with: ~을 참다(인내하다)

get through, ordeal

547. Bob has to get through this ordeal on his own.

get through: 헤쳐나가다

make ... understand: ... 에게 이해시키다

all at once, burst into

550. All at once, the Buddhist priest burst into laughter, spoiling the solemn atmosphere.

all at once: 갑자기, 동시에

burst into ... : 갑자기 ... 하다





552. One of her relatives passed away three days ago. Oh, that's too bad. I'm so sorry.

relative: 친척


553. Besides attending the funeral, she needs to make all the arrangements.

arrangement:  준비, 모든 사전 준비(= preparations)

feel for 

554. I feel for you Jane. Grief doesn't fade away quickly. I'm OK. I'll get over it.

feel for: 기분을 이해하다


555. She cherishes the precious memories of her childhood.

cherish: ~을 소중히 여기다 (= hold ... dear)

be at a loss, break ... off 

556. Speaking of Jennifer, she got engaged to a businessman. I'm at a loss for words! I hope won't break it off.

be at a loss : 어떻게 말해야 좋을지 모르겠다. (= be at one's wits' end)

I'm at a loss for words : 기가 막혀서 말을 할 수가 없다. (= Words fail me, I'm speecheless)

break off: 갑자기 이야기를 멈추다

break ... off : ~의 관계가 나빠지다(파경에 이르다

557. These days, the motives for marriage are not necessarily pure. Take Jennifer for example.

not necessarily: 반드시 ~한 것은 아니다  

558. Go easy on Bob. You know, he's been going through a rough perioud recently.

go easy on ... : ... 에게 친절하게 대하다

be hard on ... : ...에게 못되게 굴다

기타 추가 표현

자업자득이다 영어로

It serves you right.

You had it coming.

You asked for it.

갑자기 burst 활용 표현

burst into laughter

burst into tears (= burst out crying)

burst into flames

모르는 표현

get into trouble: 큰일이 나다

get ... into trouble: ... 을 성가신 일에 끌어들이다

troublesome: 성가신

grief: 슬픈 일

jerk: 바보

stir up: 성나게 하다, 분개시키다

humility, modesty: 겸허함

haughty: 오만한

humble, modest: 겸허한

exploit: 악용하다

be to one's advantage: ~에게 유리하다

advantageous: 유리한

ordeal: 혹독한 시련 (ord: 순서,명령, 신의 명령)

get through (to...) : (...에게) 이어지다 (= contact ...)

a pair of VS a couple of : couple of 는 '두 개의' 를 뜻하고 'a pair of' 는 '한 쌍의'를 의미한다. 다음과 같은 예문으로 이해할 수 있다. I've found a couple of socks, but they aren't a pair.

mddle: 간섭하다

contemplation: 깊이 생각함

contemplate: 곰곰이 생각하다

rite: 의식

take place: 행해지다(= come off)

take one's place, take the place of : ... 대신 일하다

defer: ~을 연기하다

postponement: 연기 (= deferment)

spoil ~을 망치다

rot: 상하다

spoils: 강탈품, 약탈품 (= loot, booty)

solemn: 성실한, 엄숙한, 장엄한 심각한


dignified: 위엄 있는

solumnity: 엄숙한

snooze: 앉아서 졸다

snore: 코를 골다

comparative:  상재적인

attendant: 종업원, 안내 담당

anguish, woe: 깊은 슬픔, 비탄

grieve: 슬퍼하며 한탄하다(= lament, mourn)

arranged marriage: 중매 결혼

coarse: 거칠거칠한

malnutrition: 기아


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ChatGPT 로 영어공부하기 - 동일문장구조 대량생성  (2) 2024.11.21
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