Duo3.3 241~260


time and again

241. The ecologist has warned us time and again that petroleum is not only a blessing but also a curse.

time and again: 몇 번이고 반복해서


242. The continent is abundant in fossil fuels.

abundant: 풍부한 (v: abound, n: abundance, ad: in abundance)

'차지하다' 영어로, account for

244. Wheat accounts for approximately two-thirds of agricultural production in the area.

account for: 차지하다(= make sth up, = constitute sth)

'필수 불가결한' 영어로, indispensable

245. Fertile soil is indispensable for a good harvest.

be indispensable for sth: ~에 필수 불가결하다

같은 의미로, be vital for, be crucial for, be essential for 등이 있다.




'~ 할 것 같다' 영어로, be likely to

253. The weather forecast says that the typhoon is likely to accelerate and approach the coast.

be likely to: ~ 할 것 같다.

 It's up in the air

254. It's still up in the air whether the game will be called off or not.

It's up in the air: 아직 결정되지 않은

chances are 

255. "It's foggy, isn't it?" "It sure is. But chances are it'll clear up later on."

chances are: 아마 ~ 이다. (= probably, = it is likely that)

for the most part, identify A with B

256. For the most part, modernization is identified with westernization.

for the most part: 대부분, 거의, 대개

identify A with B: A 를 B와 같은 것으로 여기다.

make the best of sth

260. My income is not adequate to provide for my family of four, but we have to make the best of it.

make the best of sth: sth 을 (어떻게든) 잘 이용하다

make the most of sth: sth 을 최대한 이용하다

추가 표현

생태학 관련 표현

ecologist: 생태학자

ecology: 생태학

ecological: 생태학의

ecosystem: 생태계

swear word

swear 는 '맹세하다'라는 의미를 가짐과 동시에, '저주하다', '욕하다'라는 뜻도 갖고 있다. 'swear word' 라고 하면 '욕설'을 의미한다.

ample, '풍부한'의 또다른 표현

ample 은 '풍부한'을 의미한다.

약어에 관한 표현

AI stands for artificial intelligence.

AI is an abbreviation for artificial intelligence.

A is short for artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence called AI for short.


intellect: (고도의) 지성

intellectual: 지적인, 지성이 뛰어난, 지식인

intelligible: 알기 쉬운, 이해할 수 있는

기타 모르는 단어

affluent, scanty, barren, comsumption, commodity, sterile, indispensable, integral, muggy, damp, dampness, trait, vigorous, brisk, prefecture, more often than not, revage, quake, tremor, give way, likelihood, PIN(Personal Identification Number), alluring, allure, synthetic, appliance, expense, expenditure


'개발자의 영어공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

Duo3.3 261~280  (0) 2023.02.12
스타크래프트 드랍쉽 대사의 비밀  (2) 2023.02.10
Duo3.3 221~240  (1) 2023.01.18
Duo3.3 201~220  (0) 2023.01.16
Duo3.3 181~200  (0) 2023.01.15

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